
Solving personal finance challenges by bringing together collaboration, trust, and simplicity.

Fragmented tools, outdated budgets, and banking designed for paper currency aren’t setting you up for success in your personal finance journey. Olomon is here to redefine it. We believe in empowering individuals and families to take control of their financial well-being.

Our mission is to give you the confidence to live life on your terms by providing tools and insights to navigate your financial challenges.

Our Story

Olomon isn't just a platform; it's a solution crafted from personal experiences. Picture this: our founder, navigating the intricate web of multiple bank accounts, unexpected expenses, and the sheer frustration of retroactive budgeting. It was in these moments that Olomon was conceived, born from the need for a comprehensive, intuitive solution.

Our team is composed of individuals who've faced the same financial challenges. We're in your shoes, and understand the anxiety of juggling various financial challenges. Olomon is our response to the need for simplicity and transparency—a way to make personal finance a tool for living, not a puzzle to solve.

Our Solutions

Olomon offers a holistic approach to personal finance that removes barriers and provides peace of mind. From financial insights to collaboration all backed with the security you deserve, we provide the clarity you need to make informed decisions about your money-today, and in the future.

What makes Olomon different?

Security is number one.

Anything good starts from a position of trust. And trust starts with robust security. Learn more about Olomon's security practices.

Your data is your data.

We will never sell your data. We believe that what you share with us is not ours to profit from.

You’re in control.

When sharing with others, you determine the level of access that they have to your Olomon account.

Take the first step on your journey to financial wellness.


Sign up and onboard.

Connect your personal accounts and tell us your goals. We’ll be on the move to clarity for your financial future.


Analyze your finances.

With a comprehensive view into your finances, you’ll have the clarity you need to take action towards your spending, saving, and cushion needed to meet your goals.


Monitor & modify, anytime.

Move at your own pace. We’ll be here to support you anytime.